
Free Videos

practise at home for free with these easy to follow exercises
Exercise routine for bow legs

Exercise routine for bow legs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T6ha6fIzbc Best Exercises For Bow Legs - Yoga Routine If you have bow legs then practice along with me in this 15 minute yoga routine, which includes the best exercises for bow legs. The specific exercises will help slow down the...

Test your strength

Test your strength

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4lH3QQMYyo Bodyweight Strength Workout Test For Over 40s How strong are you? Try this 12 minute bodyweight strength workout test for over 40s and you will get a good measure of whether you are above or below average strength. I have...

Airport Yoga

Airport Yoga

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owsZvR5UMzQ Sitting Too Much Back Pain Airports. Are you like the majority and sit while waiting to board plane in the airport? Do you get a stiff back, complaining disposition and low energy when travelling long distances? Follow my...

Breathing exercise for youthful energy  ( and strong abs)

Breathing exercise for youthful energy ( and strong abs)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFO-rL64Tb8 Fire Breathing Yoga Are you losing your inner-fire/ youthful energy? Practice fire breathing (aka bhastrika or bellows breath) with me and feel instantly more energised as well as calm at the same time. An added bonus is you...

Warrior 1 vs High Lunge

Warrior 1 vs High Lunge

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JSGhOiDm_8 Warrior 1 vs High Lunge Do you understand the difference between warrior 1 and a high lunge? ( virabhadrasana 1 and anjaneyasana ) Do you know which pose is better for you to practice? What is happening in your toes and...

Anti-ageing breathing

Anti-ageing breathing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX37_n4mUoQ 10 Minute Breath Exercise Meditation Box Breathing If you would like to lower stress and anxiety, sleep more deeply, recover from covid or any respiratory virus, improve your cardiovascular fitness and generally slow down...

Glute strength with band

Glute strength with band

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnLhOGMxl_k Glute Strength Exercises With Resistance Bands. Do you want strong toned glutes, good balance and a more powerful walk or run? Do you want to prevent back, hip and knee problems? If yes then order yourself some good quality...

Cultivate powerful glutes ( over 40s )

Cultivate powerful glutes ( over 40s )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWv-rNekalg Do you want good balance into old age? If so then you must do the best glute strengthening exercises that I take you through in this video. No equipment needed and suitable for beginners. These glute strengthening exercises...

Stiff spine and hips?  Easy solution

Stiff spine and hips? Easy solution

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnjUFK_ymvc 15 minute Easy Stiff Spine Yoga Exercises. If you're over 50 and feeling a bit stiff around your spine and hips then practice along with me in this easy to follow and relaxing video. I made this video because I felt a bit...

Stay strong = stay young

Stay strong = stay young

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbbM0WvhoHg 20 mins Strength Training with Bodyweight over 40s. Practise along with me in this strength training video and feel your body become stronger straight away. I often hearing over 40s say "I'm falling apart." Well the truth is...

Whole body yoga for over 40s

Whole body yoga for over 40s

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=catNiA3YLTo Yoga for Over 40s The older you are the more you will benefit off practicing along with me in this yoga for over 40s video. It is 35 minutes very well spent if you wish to improve your balance, strength, flexibility, energy...

Stretch hips from this to this

Stretch hips from this to this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCg3aO9Loaw Stretching for Tight Hips Do this easy 10 minute stretching for tight hips video along with me regularly and within weeks you will be feeling looser and younger around your hips and lower back. Don't get stiffer as you get...